Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bioethics Discussion Blog - Dr. Maurice Bernstein

What have you been reading, hearing or TV viewing that has provoked some feelings of comfort or concern about what is happening in the world of medicine, medical care, treatment or science? Ethics is all about doing the right thing. Are you aware of any issues in medicine or biologic science which are being done right, could be improved or in fact represent totally unethical behavior? Write about them here.. and I will too!

Those readers of Knol may recognize me as the moderator of the Bioethics Discussion Blog which is now starting its 5th year. On the blog, I set the topics and await for my visitors to write their comments on the ethical issues described. Since I don't want to bias or direct my visitor's responses, I usually do not regularly express my own views on the topic. I thought it would be worthwhile using the format of Knol to let the readers set the topic and if I find that I have enough experience or knowledge to contribute to the topic, I would try. My experience is that of 50 years of medical practice and over 20 years of teaching first and second year medical students and participating in hospital clinical ethics committees.