Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Silence Kills Study - Silent Treatment

In the 2005 study, Silence Kills: The Seven Crucial Conversations for Healthcare, VitalSmarts and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses uncovered the conversations that are particularly difficult and yet particularly crucial for healthcare professionals to master. Key findings include:

  • 84 percent of doctors have seen coworkers take shortcuts that endanger patients
  • 88 percent of doctors work with people who show poor clinical judgment
  • Fewer than 10 percent of physicians, nurses, and other clinical staff directly confront their colleagues about their concerns

The 10 percent of healthcare workers who confidently raise crucial concerns observe better patient outcomes, work harder, are more satisfied, and are more committed to staying in their jobs. If more healthcare workers could behave like the influential 10 percent, the result would be significant reductions in medical errors, increased patient safety, higher productivity, and lower turnover.

Download the 2005 Silence Kills Study: