Thursday, July 14, 2011

Medical 2.0 Pills - Ramblings of a Geek on Medicine, Genetics and Web Tools

Medical 2.0 Pills is a free microblogging project, aiming to be a quick reference tool and friendly resource for readers involved in Medicine and online medical geeks in general.

Medical 2.0 Pills features debates on Medicine, essays on Medical Genetics, tips and links to online web 2.0 / medicine 2.0 resources, all in an brief and essential style.

Medical 2.0 Pills is indeed enthusiasticaly "social web" oriented.

The author is currently a med student, geneticist wannabe and - as you might have already assumed - a web 2.0 geek. He is a great supporter of prevention of disease through a healthy and physically active lifestyle (he keeps tracks of his efforts on dailymile).