Saturday, April 17, 2010

Is Marriage Good for Your Health? -

In 1858, a British epidemiologist named William Farr set out to study what he called the "conjugal condition" of the people of France. He divided the adult population into three distinct categories: the "married," consisting of husbands and wives; the "celibate," defined as the bachelors and spinsters who had never married; and finally the "widowed," those who had experienced the death of a spouse. Using birth, death and marriage records, Farr analyzed the relative mortality rates of the three groups at various ages. The work, a groundbreaking study that helped establish the field of medical statistics, showed that the unmarried died from disease "in undue proportion" to their married counterparts. And the widowed, Farr found, fared worst of all.

Farr's was among the first scholarly works to suggest that there is a health advantage to marriage and to identify marital loss as a significant risk factor for poor health. Married people, the data seemed to show, lived longer, healthier lives. "Marriage is a healthy estate," Farr concluded. "The single individual is more likely to be wrecked on his voyage than the lives joined together in matrimony."